Beloved Starlights and radiant Hearts,
A very warm hello to you my dear earth cohabitants!
It has been quite a while since I have used this ‘portal’ to connect. Yet connecting we did, just not in this ‘readable, with your eyes’, way.
Then how could we ever not be connected as the multidimensional beings that we are?
I have thought of all of you many times, whether knowing you in the physical or not, as we have traveled through this time we call Christmas , the so very Holy Nights, into the New Year, through January and February, being blasted by X flares, to most glorious showers of aurora borealis, seeing Jupiter and Venus hugging each other in the night sky, and the abundant snow that has blessed us here in Mount Shasta and the Galactic Lighthouse ever since November.
Could you hear how loud the stillness presented throughout this winter?
Feeling cosmic truth dripping like nectar into the heart?
Noticing the crystalline seeds, that are, much like snow crystals, being awakened in your holy presence?
It has been so powerful, so very holy, too sacred to speak.
When we are in awe, when stillness presents, it speaks louder than any tone, and floods our inner being with cosmic truth.
This is precisely why I have been quiet. However I did not stop to communicate. Those of you who have chosen to cultivate a calm center, and open heart know that we all have been doing a lot ~ alone and together.
This does not mean things have been light or easy. Everyone continues to have their unique custom tailored experiences.
Yes these times require soul aligning, just like wheels on a car, for smooth travel.
We are being gifted experiences that may challenge us at times, where our higher self is adding pressure for us to align to this purity of love that we truly are. If things have been hard or overwhelming, remember that by seeing and unpacking more of what leads us from the unconscious, luggage we have kept in stowaway from past incarnations, will free us for lighter travel.
We have been growing a lot. Look at where you are now, to just a few months ago? In the past such changes took years or a decade to manifest, now we are doing it so quickly. Don’t be alarmed if you had to rest more, or eat more, or anything different.
I personally needed much more rest, and self care to stay in my balance.
SPRING EQUINOX ( Fall Equinox for the southern hemisphere)
Now spring equinox is here. Everything is ramping up, newness and excitement are pouring in. The deep quiet we experienced (which was a high frequency downpour from source, & room, space to prepare for the times ahead) is being exchanged by a vivid, fast accelerating more outward going energy for the months ahead.
Another quantum jump in our own expansion is laying before us.
Pluto is giving us the first taste, of the Aquarian times to come, as it is moving into Aquarius just after Equinox, on March 23, a transit that happens every 248 years and will stay there until 2044.
Saturn has moved to Pisces on March 7th and will stay until February 2026. When big guys like those move signs, everyone will benefit and notice their teachings and medicine. This is not a astrology report, I am only mentioning this to show how intertwined we are in all realities, and how these planets reflect the beautiful changes and openings we are facing on the inside, outside.
Many new synchronicities, alignments, insights and creative ideas of our own divine life plan are rapidly bubbling up to surface. A sacred flow creating new shore and river lines in our life, sustaining us as we enter places we may not have had the courage to explore before. And on the contrary it will also heat up and bring more confusion and chaos where the alignment of the heart is missing.
There is much benefit in tending to our inner center and stability daily, and radiating that peace and clarity to the world around us, which in turn will change how we experience the world we live in.

Starlightjourney to ancient Egypt
October 16~22. 2023
It is with a rejoicing heart and some persisting work that I am able to finally share to good news that we are Journeying back to ancient Egypt this October 16-28. 2023. After our first amazing Journey in 2019, and my profound time alone with my little sister in the Great Pyramid exactly a year ago on Spring Equinox 2022, I feel a much deepened sense, and matured knowing in my purpose to guide, lead and accompany those of you called to join us for this truly life changing experience. It is my joy and honor to share this upcoming Egypt journey with you.
I must say that this sacred pilgrimage would not have come to be, if it was not for the support, love and determination of an amazing core group of beautiful souls, that committed to this pilgrimage well before it was created. This Journey was created because of them. It gave me the courage and energy to do all that is needed to create such a trip.
Then after having to cancel 3 entire trips due to this wordy circumstances I honestly did not have much energy left to recreate yet another magical experience, that may or may not be lived.
This support is truly what new earth is about, that we come together and show up in unprecedented ways.
As this sacred Egypt Starlight Journey is being presented;
‘Remembering the Codes and Wisdom we once held by planting sacred seeds for the Future.'
we are already holding the vessel to welcome those of you who feel a strong resonance to join us for this profound pilgrimage.
We sold out on our the first trip. And we were selling out on the other ones that needed to be canceled.
This tour is very likely to be fully booked, then one third is already full before even sharing it with you all. Space is limited. Registering to save your place open now.
To see details and find out more if this journey is for you please click here.for more information.
LIGHTWORKER/STARSEED MOVEMENT ~ going back to the roots
We know that there are big transformation at hand, when we start seeing so many Lightworkers and Starseeds moving back to their roots and very specific places on the planet. It may not make sense nor be logical to the brain, and this is exactly how you can differentiate such sacred relocations as they are lead by the heart, and the heart alone, which is what Lightworkers and Starseeds do.
It is following that inner guidance, over what may present in our personal life of comfort, stability, and security.
The newness and upgrades that this year is bringing to each one of us, how astrologer Christopher Witheky says: “Living the life you are born to live”, verses ‘just living the life you are born to’, will bring each of us magnificent opportunities.
The call has been loud for everyone.
Our support team, aka higher self and entourage of light beings, have endlessly been giving us nudges, hints and ideas. These powerful inflowing energies, Starcodes if you will, are providing a push to amp up the individual courage and faith to follow that heart and inner knowing, to step into that much needed newness.
It is helping us to commit to these gigantic leap(s) into the unknown, within the knowing of the heart.
This new ‘Lightworker Flow’, is leading us into something big, a balance, which is ultimately rearranging how we all assist in our responsibilities as glowing, engaged Starlights on Earth.
Once established, it will then also open new trails for the masses to find their courage to follow their heart guidance.
I have never met so many light workers called to moving back to where they were born, as I have in the last 6 months.
These sacred movements of awakening souls choosing to leave everything behind and to go back, where their physical body literally got to experience Pachamama in their birthday suit, is huge. As the “known” vortexes on Earth are becoming more popular, some are called to venture to sacred and very powerful places on earth, that are still hidden and not known from the ‘main stream new age’, to help and assist from these new centers and temples of awakening.
These important relocations are needed now, precisely shifting & recalibrating how we hold the energy fields, and crystalline grids, around Mother Earth which allow for high frequency light to flow in.
Infinite gratitude for all of YOU doing such amazing work all around the world, by being that love and light that we are.
There is no coincidence of where we choose to be born, and which culture we chose to embrace at birth. Our unique DNA and the codes received from the very homeland, rivers, mountains, air, water and star constellations, embedded in us, are calling Lightworkers and Starseeds back to open, unlock, create, hold, work, activate and link something grander together. Then no-one can better understand the nature, the unique ways earth is communicating in that specific location on earth, then You who were born there with these specific codes.
Now it is not one or two people going back, it is people going back to Jamaica, Brasil, Israel, Europe, Asia, different states within the United States ~ it is really mesmerizing to see. People are not moving because something is ‘bad’ or not going well, quite to the contrary, leaving behind a thriving life, for what?
Because of our Inner guidance.
I am very, very excited to say that I am one of them.
My inner guidance is calling me back to my beloved swiss alps. After more then a decade (almost 12 years) of holding the fields and crystalline grids alongside my beloved volcano Mount Shasta, the Galactic Lighthouse and I are moving home to Switzerland.
As beautiful as this transition will be, as sad is the leaving behind of so many friends and dearest soul family, and our little community that has been my home for so long. I have deeply savored this winter, the abundant snow and forest, the trees and the vast nature where I dwell.
And hopefully I will be back to visit this very soul family and places, then love can never be separated.
For those of you who have been wanting to come and visit the Swiss alps, connect with its vast portals, stargates, beauty and immense power and energies they hold ~ know that I will create retreats for that very work that we all do.
It will be an absolute honor and joy to welcome, guide, and lead you through the landscapes that have formed my childhood, to speak my language as I show you these most powerful places, and more so as we create this new earth together.
It may take some time until the ‘Galactic Lighthouse’ is physically established again, but that will not stop me to create.
From July onwards I will offer private intuitive session again, after having taken a year long sabbatical.
I am as much looking forward to what will be created as you, as I am allowing the newness to unfold.
And of course I will be back visiting as I have way to many of you that I love so much.

May these amazing times allow you to embody more and more of this loving, enlightening and so holy christed energy.
May it give you the courage, determination and power to follow through with the nudging of your most inner heart guidance, to share the love, respect and gratitude that you have for your earthly cohabitants. May these times give you the possibility to leap out of the nest (what we call safety) to emerge in the wholeness and vastness that you are, so that the universe can bestow upon you all that you deserve so much.
With ever so much gratitude and love
of being here on earth with all of you,
April 16th 2023 Redding, California

I am holding magical Crystal Singing Bowls Starlight Journeys at the Crystal Room in Mount Shasta, in March, April and May of 2023. These sessions are open to individuals and groups. Contact Odile to book a session or call the Crystal Room in Mount Shasta to see dates for open sessions.
Next Singing Crystal Bowl Journey is Friday March 31st. 2023
Booking Private Sessions over Skype/Zoom or Phone for July and August 2023.
Contact Odile for details.
Sacred Pilgrimage to ancient Egypt
16-28 October 2023
We are going back to Egypt for a sacred pilgrimage win the land of the pyramids and pharaohs. For more information click here.