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Galactic Symphony

Odile Dell'Aquila

Beloved Starlight and radiant Heart,

What amazing ueber dimensional radiating days we are being blessed by. Look at the Light, the Love, this mountain (Picture Mount Shasta). Emanating so much food for the soul, the plants, the cosmos and its Star Gates, it is incredible. We are being immersed, bathed and taken to another level of merging with the divine that we are.

Feel and listen to this silence. Can you feel the earth taking a deep breath? Expanding? Beyond that infinite silence is a chorus of galactic symphony. A celebration. We are all being held in this harmonious symphony within octaves of love right now and it will continue to amplify.

This is how the universe talks to us all the time. The messages are simple, yet powerful. It is so simple that the great sages are mostly quiet.

We are being gifted in abundance these christed-crystalline living-light-rays, that are flowing in right now for this Easter passage. Follow your inner guidance and instructions, take one step at the time. I am not saying it is always easy, yet having the courage to ‘move these feet’ always brings us closer to home. Showing up, doing our part, being present as much as we can and trusting these divine unfoldments.

Life always presents new openings all the time, it is up to you to choose, and to step through these doorways to receive the gifts that are awaiting you.


Let's center back into the place of truth, because truth can not be shaken, it is at the very bottom of everything.

The vibrations you choose to set in your lightbody, or bubble of consciousness around you, are opening the doors to  higher dimensions available to you.

Just as  your fingerprint is able to unlock your phone, these multidimensional weaving fields are a reality, of however you choose to manage your intentions, and unwavering focus.

They are the key ingredients determining your bandwidth of consciousness ~ frequencies ~ dimensions available to you.

Unlike money, the continuous flow of your Starlight Eessence holds and accumulates your focus on truth, divine actions, love, and purity at heart, over lifetimes, and becomes a wonderful solid foundation of fertile ground to expand and grow even further.

We are all reaping the fruits of our past choices. The beautiful thing is you are always free to change your choices and focus now!

This is by no means easy. Yet we are all made and able to little by little walk out of this confusion, one step at the time, by our own will to choose what we want to choose in any given moment. Regardless of how corrupt and controlling some of these systems out there are. Lets not give our power away, you can look at them as  training weights, to make sure your focus is sincere and you are getting really strong.

More you practice an instrument, and your abilities grow, more you will be noticed, seen and invited by those who you may even look up to.


So many incredible updates, clearings and openings are happening right now. Portals and grids are glowing, holding these new templates. Repairing and clearing out our Galactic DNA. (For more on this join us on Sunday April 19.  for a high vibrational Teleseminar or listen to the mp3 recording of March 22 group call.)

And yet for many it may look like: What do we do in these great times of change and uncertainty? Especially on days when the fog may seem denser and creeping into our living rooms, or our minds and we may be loosing hope?

Know that even the greatest storm shall pass.

Fresh snow, and we got plenty here in Shasta on the 4/4 portal, is such a beautiful reminder to see, how old tracks (relationships, work) in our lifes are being effortlessly filled, to be forgiven, healed, changed, recreated in brand new ways never thought possible, as these fresh crystalline snow flakes, new frequencies, are making their ways from the sky and cosmos into our hearts. We are given new ideas to ponder our new ways to live, create, love and be in harmony with one self, the planet and others ~ as this new earth is arising.


In these times when many may feel more restricted to freely roam our beautiful world, it is so important to keep up our pure focus and center in the purity of source, and the connection with friends close and far.

What do you choose in these times?

Shine your light! And shine it strong. You are a living star in a human body.  Your bright light is affecting and helping others so much. Especially on days when one feels down or a little unsure, it is so reassuring to see another star glow and shine.

Isn't one of the most delightful sights seeing other stars shine in the night sky?

So much love to all of you galactic sisters and brothers and gratitude for each and everyone, for so beautifully holding that light.

Then I love seeing other STARS It feels so good to my heart to see you shine, and to always remember how bright we all are together.

Infinite blessings of love from this incredible place called Mount Shasta and

from my heart to yours.

With ever so much love



Due to all this enormous well needed PAUSE many of my events have been canceled. I am just holding off a little bit before creating new ones. Check  all Retreat & Events  click here  for updated information, or please contact me at  as due to these heighten energies I have been dwelling in other dimensions than updating my website...


APRIL 19. 2020,  11am PT, Living in Your Light  ~ Teleseminar 

Join us as we center back into the place of truth, as truth can not be shaken it is a the very bottom of everything. Clearing our original Galactic DNA and bringing forth the codes ready to be activated now.

Starlight Journey to Ancient Egypt    Oct. 14-25. 2020

This is still vibrating very strongly, and the vision is we are going.

Embodying your Starlight Mount Shasta      May 29-31. 2020

This event is canceled may be rescheduled do not know yet.

Initiatic Starlight Journey, Mount Shasta     August 17-22. 2020

This is happening. I am waiting for details to come through, if interested write me an email, we already have a bunch of interested people. This is a very galactic event.

Sharing the  transmission and updates received in Egypt 2019. This 6 day Initiatic Starlight Journey is promised to be one of a kind, where we will dwell within many dimensions and  portals in sacred ceremony  This is for the advanced soul (you know who you are) called to be in divine service, with pure intention and focus. It is a week of high vibration, in cosmic service to you and the all. This is not a vacation! Only 11 spaces, will be 13 total. Need to be able to walk/hike. I am hoping for Details soon when we have more clarity about traveling etc.


I have openings for some one on one sessions. If you are in a financial hardship please communicate that so we can find a way.


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