Beloved Starlights and radiant Hearts,
So much has been stirring and moving inside us and in the world.
So much is changing fast, and faster as the acceleration of expanding our consciousness is taking place in our human evolution.
We will keep living these upgrades for a good while longer.
I have been wanting to send my little Hearticle out before the solar eclipse on October 25th, which happen to be just the day I flew back from a wonderful time spend in my home country Switzerland.
This year has been such a good teacher, of how much to create for others, verses how much to take care of Self first.
An important topic for many of you reading these lines, as you often easily give, take care, nurture, heal and make sure others are well, and forget, neglect and cut short your own time of self care, desires, healing and life enjoyment you deserve, due to the lack of time after having taking care of everybody else, but you.
It is so important that we do take time for our own personal evolving, growth and expansion in these years where the cosmic support for ‘soul quantum leaps’ is very rare, high and supported.
We are living in a window of unprecedented opportunities, to attain higher levels of consciousness and break free once and for all from lifelong old karmic repetition and suffering by allowing to embody these higher frequencies which will completely change all experiences we have had up until now.
As everything is radiating faster, the pressure of work, or family, friends and partner may become 'a black hole' that is absorbing all of you.
Luckily the universe loves us too much and creates now and then events where our focus is being brought to us, willingly or not.
Then regardless of all the busyness by family, job, friends and much more we are being put on notice of imbalances that require to be looked at more closely if we don't want them to become a wake up call in the future.
Why is that, you may ask?
You may have done so much healing, and many sessions, and yet more is coming to surface?
Imagine, as a metaphor, that you have had the same car that drives you through life. You may have enjoyed a road trip through little towns and windy roads in the mountains, and you traveled at a considerably slow speed to savour the ride.
Now time has come and you feel that you would like to hit the free way and get some faster travel and distance on your journey.
Well, the colorful luggage attached to your roof, was fine as long as you traveled and cruised through little towns at little speed, yet however by accelerating and wanting to go fast you may realize that this weight attached on your roof needs to go, or it will be ripped off by the winds.
For others it may not be as easy visible, it may be that your wheels are slightly not aligned or their little individual weight is off, incapable of allowing your journey to be smooth or preventing to add speed. You may just realize that every time you are taking a leap of faith something is pushing you back. (unaligned wheels for example that keep you form gaining velocity in a grounded safe way).
Time is accelerating, and it will continue to do so. Again we are being given the help by god~universe to step up, mature, grow and expand more and more into the amazing being that we are becoming and extraordinary beings we will be in the far future, with this upcoming Eclipse.
When change presents, we often may not be open to it, because it is new, unknown. Sometimes we deny and resist it by trying to cling to something old just because we are used to that, understandably it feels familiar.
Imagine some of the things that you had to embrace maybe 10, 15 or 20 years ago? Even just a year ago for that mater. Imagine where would you be today if you would not have accepted the change that was coming? How ever scary or uncomfortable it seemed, and how much courage, energy and faith you needed to come up with to accept these changes? And aren't you happy you did?
We are being presented by a wonderful opportunity on Tuesday November 8th at 3am PT California, and 12noon Switzerland by a full lunar eclipse at 16 degrees Taurus, to embrace this kind of new changes that will make a big difference of where we will be in the future.
In the above metaphor, we may become aware of “old some luggage” that is weighing us down and is in need to go, or of energetic leaks and imbalances that are wrecking havoc our inner temple, our sacred self that carries us forward.
“Consider this eclipse an invitation to be more candid with yourself and others. This combination of events doesn’t happen every day, every year, or even every decade. As subterranean information and desires are unearthed, view it as a call to live your life more honestly. It may come with a price - i.e. convenience - but the more inconvenient the truth, the more likely we need to integrate its medicine now, even if it tastes a little sour going down.” Quote from chaninicholas.com
As much as we may try to blame uncomfortable growth symptoms, to something on the outside, lets remember that we do have all the power and freedom within us, of how we choose to engage and be with what is presenting to us from our outside world. A good reminder by Thich That Hahn:
“ To meditate means to go home to yourself. Then you know how to take care of the things that are happening inside you, and you know how to take care of the things that happen around you.’
This may be nothing new to any of you reading these lines, yet it may be to your partner, friend, coworkers and family.
Kindness, patience and understanding is key. Just because we see something they don’t does not make us more advanced, and just because they may not see and understand what we do may not implement that we slow down and 'wait for them to get it'.
Time is NOW.
We are so supported. Skipping to choosing to wake up would be as not wanting to physically grow as a child. It may go unnoticed for a while yet not for long.
As the pressure to look inside oneself is being amplified, it is becoming clear to more people that the only way to bring forth healthy balanced solution in the outer world for the future, is, a mature, balanced, loving and harmonious inner center.
Compassion and Love to self and others is key.
Deep love and respect for the needs of our own accelerated awakening inevitable, if we like to live in the Truth and grandest capacity of who we are.
It is in these energies of 'Self Love' and awakening that I am offering a mini in person Mount Shasta Retreat, for women only.

Abundant Love Goddess Retreat
Mount Shasta December 9 ~11 2022
For women only
A joyous celebration and gathering of equals to receive, celebrate,
be and replenish our beautiful body temple, your heart and your creativity.
This retreat is inspired by our fantastic 8/8 Portal Mt Shasta Retreat. It turned out that we were all women.
We experienced how nourishing, deep, intimate and beautiful it is when we gather as the Goddesses that we are.
We all realized how much we needed this nourishment and refill of that abundant love in these times that are asking so much from all of us.
This retreat is offered as a breather before the hectic of the holiday season.
With usually heavy snow here in Mount Shasta at years end, I am offering another in person intimate all women Goddess retreat, for us to replenish in joyous sisterhood. To bring into focus what we are desiring of bringing forth and receive for the new year.
Is this Goddess Gathering for You?
You are of the generous and brave souls that help, assist and lead others in a shape or from.
You are a leader, guide, teacher, healer and bright light that brings forth inspiration.
You give a lot abundantly, for the betterment of others.
You have not shyed away to look at your own wounds and shortcomings. You have embraced yourself and allowed balancing, healing and embody a compassionate awareness to Self.
You know how to hold you energy. You are open to learn more.
Now is your time to receive and be amongst equals.
To have your generous spirit, in helping others, be reflected back to you by those women who do the same.
To open up and receive the amount of Love you usually give.
It is a gathering to replenish your beautiful self, all the way from your soul and spirit to your physical body temple.
To inspire and support you for your future offerings and choices, relationships and friendships.
To feel and see how supported and loved we are in this field of togetherness.
Abundant Love Goddess retreat is to Be showered in love and goodness, which is the core of what you are.
When: Friday evening December 9th 2022 to Sunday afternoon 5pm December 11. 2022
Where: in the beautiful, sacred and so very warm to the heart Galactic Light house, located in the woods of Mount Shasta on 13 acres and build by monks.
Circle Time, Intention Setting, Sharing
Guided Meditation(s)
Singing Crystal Bowl Starlight Journey
Sacred Fire Ceremony in the 75ft medicine circle
Goddess ~ abundant Love healing ceremony, where we all participate to give to ‘One at the time’.
This part is always my favorite as it is magical and different every time.
Saturday and Sunday Morning: Coffee, tea and fruit
Saturday: Dinner
Does NOT include:
Travel and Lodging in and to Mount Shasta
Lunch snacks and Friday evening dinner.
For whom is this retreat?
This magical time is for those who have done a certain amount of healing and are living their life in a more purposeful consciousness.
It is for the advanced soul that has realized some of their gifts.
If this is for you, you will feel drawn to participate.
If we have not met before please contact Odile to see if this retreat is a good fit for for you.
For 6-10 women only
Retreat Fee: Sliding scale from $444 ~ $555. Those who have more support those who have less.
Please email Odile at odile@odiledellaquila.com to pay and reserve your spot.

Ladies in photo above: Our amazing 8/8 Portal Goddess Retreat
May your dreams arise from the purity of your heart.
May your month be fruitful in your deepest soul awakening.
May you feel ever so much love,
happiness and support today and always.
With ever so much gratitude and love
of being here on earth with all of you,
As life has been so full and accelerated, I am extending my sabbatical for one on one sessions.
Thank you for all of you who have been patently waiting, I hope that the new year will provide periods of time where I offer private sessions again.
Please email me (odile@odiledellaquila.com) if you would like to be added to the waiting list for private sessions, I will notify you first for openings.
Details and Dates be announced in December Hearticle:
Sundays 11am PT, December 2022 and January 2023
"The many Incarnations of Planet Earth and her and our Future"
I will share about my own studies and deep knowledge, guidance and wisdom inspired by Rudolf Steiner, of these times we are living in now, and its very large future. It is some of the things I most closely keep to my heart.
Magical Crystal Singing Bowls and guided meditation Starlight Journeys are held for private groups and on occasion open to all groups only.
I am holding them at my house, the Galactic Lighthouse and at our Temple at the Crystal Room, both located in Mount Shasta CA.
I work with the energies of what we do at night time. To help develop and enhance our extraordinary journey in the evolution of consciousness. Please contact Odile if you are interested for a group Starlight Journey. Reservation ahead of time is necessary.
Abundant Love Goddess Retreat December 9~11. 2022 Mount Shasta, Information in Hearticle above
Yes we are working on creating another amazing Starlight Journey to this ancient land. After being offered the amazing great pyramid all to myself (see Hearticle on website) on Spring Equinox an even deeper pilgrimage will bring those who choose to participate to an unforgettable experience in 2023. I will soon contact those who have already emailed me for these upcoming journeys.