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Crystalline Equinox Celebration

Odile Dell'Aquila

Beloved Starlight and most beautiful Heart,

What beautiful times do we live in! Equinox is bringing these most beautiful influxes right into our awakening Crystalline Essence. Notice the vibrations of the sun and the sky, and their melting together to support You.

After months of being pushed outside the box and to the edge of our ways of being and thinking, our capacities have been stretched and are now stabilizing into a new and more expanded state of consciousness. There is a deeper more profound BEINGness present. An undeniable source experience peaking through, for some as a steady flow, a tangible reality, for others starting to present stronger in on and off moments.

The arising of Your true Essence, is as simple and effortless as a flower emerging on a blooming tree. Nevertheless it is a miracle beyond miracle.

Yes we can add a lot of words by trying to describe what we really are and where we come from, or we can just drop into this indescribable place of ONEness. No word will come close to the fulfilling liberating bliss of being fully present. Choosing people, circumstances and situations that enhance that state of ONEness is showing itself to be the only sustainable way of journeying through life. Everything is being enhanced so we can not overlook it any longer. On one hand the beauty and bliss on the other hand what we perceive as struggle.


You are being invited by your galactic team, angels, arc angels, ascended masters and  beings of light, to step forth, once and for all: to receive and accept their offering for a deep never ending marriage of true love.

The more we open our magnificent Heart-STAR-gate,of the multidimensional Beingness that we are (source energy, god self, christed self) the more miracles after miracles are entering our life streams.

Most of you know of spirit guides and have a certain connection with some of them. Yet often they are being taken for granted or even completely overlooked as their way of communication may be as natural to you as breathing air. You are being asked and invited to cultivate a deeper, fully committed relationship with these omnipresent masters. Remember they are not an object. Many ask, then receive answers in form of ideas, new possibilities, messages, signs, numbers, new connections, yet somehow are awaiting a glowing purple balloon, UFO or floating master on a unicorn to be convinced they exist. This is not a game. TRUST. LISTEN. ACT. The door is entered  through the open heart. Our addiction to instant gratification through technology, online buying has taken for many the courage to fully trust, commit and be still, to the underlying truth of all.

COMPASSION DURING HARD TIMES For those of you who are experiencing hardship or troublesome situations, Please: do not judge yourself. Have infinite compassion for yourself and others. You are being reminded to really LOVE yourself, just as you are, without any ’ifs’.

We are all going through our own stretches and ascension symptoms, in our awakening process. Outside circumstances are a great way to show us where we are not yet the ‘ascended master’ we wish to embody. Those of us living in Mount Shasta and surroundings have been pushed beyond what we could take inhaling smoke. Over 50 days of continuous thick smoke kept the mountain hidden, and any outside activity an unhealthy choice. More than 300’000 acres of forest and homes have burned. There has not been one single person in Shasta that I know of, that was not affected in their emotional states by these wildfires, and diminished air quality. Which says a lot, as there are so many people assisting other people as spiritual teachers, healer, way shower, guides. A great reminder to all of us, that we are HUMANS in the awakening process and still dependent on circumstances in this case; clean air to breathe, to keep the ‘high vibrating ascension glow’ going.

A prolonged continued stressful state is very hard to take,  to not loose hope and to stay in harmonious balance within your entire being.

Ultimately, as complete Ascended Beings there will be nothing, no circumstance, that can through us of course.

For those of you who are going through prolonged hardship, that is not easily ‘escaped’ by a trip to the coast to breathe fresh air, have infinite compassion, and more love for your self then ever.

Then gently, without judgment look at what may want to present to you through this situation: We are all stepping up in our mastery. Don’t compare yourself with others, as it is irrelevant.

Some situations we may hold on for Pride? Fear? Control? Victim hood? Blame? Or something perceived as bad luck?

Do the necessary you can. For example in the midst of the forest fires I did leave to the coast. Did I want to? No. My body asked for it, and I did the necessary, no excuse.

In the midst of all these upheaval we can still access eternal bliss, sometimes in full flow other times only by tiny drips. Keeping in your spiritual center at all times is a choice you can make. And be the best you can at any given moment no matter what.


Know that you are not alone in this. Know that by sharing your experiences, how ever extraordinary, painful, magical, sad or  depressing they are, it is opening more of you to Your true self, and it may help someone to overcome something similar.

By embracing the Light that you are and awakening to all of you beauty, you are birthing the largest Gift you can offer your self and the world.


I am humbly touched by all of you. By your presences, beauty, willingness and sincerity of bringing forth the best in you. I keep meeting so many extraordinary Beings, in person and over the phone, yes this is YOU I am talking about. Something truly beautiful is happening. I am grateful that you are here, and I AM here for you. A few weeks ago I had a minor concussion through an accident, that has boosted my abilities in surprisingly  pleasant ways.

I am more than ever so joyfully offering my Intuitive guidance, channeling, healing gifts and spiritual assistance to support your blossoming.

In person Mount Shasta Sessions are booking for November 10th forward. Email me for Phone sessions openings. I am continuing to hold my sessions on a sliding scale contribution of $144-177 so that those who have more assist thouse who have less.

May your days be Blessed. Never forget You come from the Stars and you chose to be here on a very special earth mission which is called Your Life.

Thank you for being here and coming into my life. You are so beautiful. Celebrate, Enjoy and Trust the cosmically orchestrated  openings of your life and the entire cosmos. Always SHINE your divine magnificent STAR Light no matter what is presenting. Keep a very large perspective, stay ever so neutral and Be fully HUMAN. Have a Blessed most transformative month fellow earth travelers.

With ever so much love and gratitude Odile


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