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Blessed Greetings

Odile Dell'Aquila

Beloved Starlights and radiant Hearts,

Much more than a year has passed since I last used this platform to connect with all of you.

I have been wanting to write for a long time, to at least say "no news are good news", as I am now beaming my presence into the surroundings of Central Europe. It has been a desire, that only my closest friends knew, that ultimately I will come home to the country I was born, which happens to be Switzerland.

It was by no means a hasty decision, on vacation in Switzerland I asked my soul, body and mind over 3 weeks everyday if I am ready to come and live back home. The answer was a Yes, which brought forth joy and grief. Joy for the new, and grief for all the beauty I had to let go.

Looking back, I am so grateful that I followed this strong guidance to move, especially when there is‚ nothing wrong‘ with the life one is living.

After  12 years of inner and outer work, by living in beloved Mount Shasta my inner guidance urged me to be leaving behind my Galactic Lighthouse, my friends of decades, the so beautiful retreats and ceremonies with groups, my neighbours, the land, the trees, the mountain... It did require enormous strength, courage and focus to follow through, and not fall back to the comfort of this established life. Especially the canceling on bookings that were made a year in advance.

Yet all the treasures and gifts found over all these years; especially deep friendships, profound spiritual awakening with this Mountain called Shasta, adventures and everything that helped shape who I am today, have come with me, and yet I even received more;

As I was leaving Loved Ones on one continent I was awaited and greeted by Loved Ones on another continent. I moved from 'home' to 'home'.

Our beings are big, and our capacity to love as well. Through love we can hold the entire world in our hearts. There are so many beautiful people, cultures  and places everywhere.Starting a 'new life' is sacred, and also a great opportunity for change. This time where I am ‚quiet  on the outside', is giving me much room to expand on the inside, for all the new treasures being presented.  

For those of you who like astrology; I am having my Chiron return and in Human Design I am a 6/2 Manifestor,  which means that I am deepening, redirecting and metamorphosing of all that, which has lead me to where I am now, to eventually, bring it forth in a new way. Starting a completely new book, verses a new chapter of this life journey of mine.

You may be as curious as myself of what will be born out of this fruitful time! We will see, and chances are that I will keep you posted.


Of course these changes are happening for everyone, incarnated on earth at this time, at different degrees. They are reflected from the strong solar activities, to Schumann Resonance spikes, to the various unrests and political chaos we are seeing, overall confusion and yet probably most notable as the stirring in our inner worlds. 

It is a beautiful rich time, where we want to choose and create  something new,  but are not quite able to see it yet. We know it is time to transform,  let the old go, how ever good it might have been because it has served its purpose and level up. Level up to what you may ask?

For example, to press the boundary what spirituality really means. We have the power to change our own consciousness. To step up and grow that 'potential', this 'god~seed' we have embedded  in us, to become a true Human Being. To look inside and understand who we are, by embracing the spiritual world and using  our thinking, feeling and will in ways that create  new ways of being for all.

Then looking at it at large, from our health systems, schools, food and agriculture, how we lead world economics and politics, everything is reaching its outer failure, a long overdue to be recreated.

It is up to us, to show if we can bring what we 'preach spiritually' into the world outside, into companies and banks, construction and medicine, food chains and schools. Time will show, and luckily there are more chances to change the course of our innermost actions.

This Eclipse season is bringing us a great chance for an upgrade. On September 17th a Lunar eclipse at 25 Degrees Pisces is opening a whole new portal, an invitation to dive deep within us to bring forth for a New You, which is so needed to give birth to a new Earth.

My new contributions are a few different Sacred Circle held on Zoom and one in Person here in Switzerland. Conscious community for support and clarity as we are  lovingly held by those Souls willing to grow and embrace change as well.

Your Dreams do impact the world.

We are here to create the New Earth  together. I hope to see you in one of these circles!


Sacred Circle

We are feeling it everywhere and especially in our lives; something new wants to be born. Though deep listening, and being listened to, we will hold space and be held to give room to that which is New and wants to be Born.

Many have forgotten that his world only thrives as a community. We wouldn't have clothes, cars, food, schools, roads etc. without the help of others. Together we  create a  conscious, compassionate, loving and safe container for our souls to expand, breathe and shine. 

Though deep listening, and being listened to, we will hold space and be held, to explore that which is new and wants to be born.

Starting and ending the Sacred Circle with a guided meditation so we are all in divine neutrality before sharing and closing.

This circle may be for You:

*Enjoying being part of a conscious community

*Meeting amazing souls.

*Agreeing that what is shared in the circle stays in the circle.

*Have the capacity for deep listening.

*Remember that all life experiences are equally important.  

*You are willing to grow and expand.

*Experiencing accelerated manifestation of your dreams

*You are ready that the person walking out of this sacred circle will most likely have little to do with your old self!

* ...and so much more with what only you could bring to this Sacred Circle.

WHEN: Sunday 6. October 2024  & Sunday 8. December 2024

TIME: 10am PTD California, 1pm East Cost, 7pm CEST Switzerland

WHERE: Zoom, this is a live only class. No recording.

Length: 2 - 2.5 hours. Small intimate group only.

Contribution: sliding scale $75 to $100 or more, you choose. 

Register, Pay &  more info, email Odile at


Exploring new paths of Knowledge

A place for those who wish to enhance new pathways of knowledge through the wisdom teachings of Rudolf Steiner.

Meeting every 6~8 weeks.

From a young age the work of Rudolf Steiner has deeply affected me. For two decades I had to live my life in absence of his work, to have experiences, breakthroughs, falls and revelations, by my own, through different modalities and teachings. On Spring Equinox of 2022 I was gifted to be in the great Pyramid of Giza all by myself (for more see Hearticle 'Codes of the Stars' of me being there with my sister), which opened the gates to be reading and absorbing the unsurpassed teachings of Rudolf Steiner. It is also the first time in my life that I appreciate being fluent in the german language, as I am able to read his work in the original language written.

This study group is for those who are sincerely interested to learn more about themselves by the vast wisdom and teachings of RudolfSteiner, and the path of Initiation he offers.

Through reading, studying, explaining, conversations, hands on drawings (sketch book by you), meditation exercises given by Rudolf Steiner, asking questions and mostly coming together as Humans, we will deepen more and more of this spiritual science, as he calls it.

*Understanding us more, in our Human evolution.

*Spiritual Hierarchies, from Angels to Seraphims and the Spirits of Darkness. 

*The seven major cultural Epoches, after the great flood to the end of earth times. Their meaning and significance. Where are we  now? 

*Going beyond Lemuria and Atlantis. What was before Lemuria?

*What was earth before she was earth? The 7 incarnation of earth, her stages and meanings.

*Mystery of Golgatha, the Christ consciousness.

*Reincarnation and  Karma

...and so much more!

The topics will be chosen to the interests of group participants.

DATES: Sunday 10. November 2024  & Sunday 15. December 2024

TIME: 10am PST California, 1pm EST, 7pm CET Switzerland

WHERE: Zoom, this is a live only class. No recording.

Length: 2 - 2.5 hours. (two blocks of 1h15min, break in-between)

Contribution: sliding scale $75 to $100 or more, you choose. 

Register, Pay & more info, email Odile at


Private Sessions

Yes! I am officially holding Intuitive Clairvoyant Sessions again, for clarity, understanding, healing, direction and expansion of your current awareness. Sharing tools and ideas how to navigate your situations and challenges, and how to work in these realms energetically, together and also by yourself. Please see details on my website. You can click on The Hathor 'Private Session' Photo above. Or email

Thank You for all that you do beloved Starlights.

No matter how little you may think of your self or your work, know that it is quite the contrary!  

Keep shining then your light is being seen from far beyond the earth. Our earthly experience can feel lonely and hard at times. Connect with nature, animals and the cosmos as they are always seeing the truth that is in you and reflecting it back to you, offering us a place of harmony and love.

You are LOVE and so very LOVED and this is what matters most.

In deep Deep gratitude and love,

to the great beings who conduct these times and You,



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