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Odile Dell'Aquila Personal Guidance & Support for your Awakening

 Events & Courses 

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 Sacred Circle


We are gathering in love, respect and support of each other for what we individually are learning on our life path, by sharing and listening. To enhance our strength, courage and clarity in these times of great changes. For a small intimate group only.

This Sacred Circle will start with a guided meditation, so that we all become a neutral vessel to share, listen, hold space and be held. Doing our inner work now, as a foundation for a thriving healthy future. Preparing together, from our own inner freedom, the ground  for our future incarnation.

DATES:  Sunday 6. October 2024  & Sunday 8. December 2024

TIME: 10am PTD California, 1pm EDT, 7pm CEST Switzerland

WHERE: Zoom, this is a live only class. No recording.

Contribution: sliding scale $75 to $100 or more, you choose. 

Register, Pay &  more information, email Odile click here

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 Study Group


A place for those who wish to enhance new pathways of knowledge through the wisdom teachings of Rudolf Steiner. 

Meeting every 6~8 weeks.

From a young age the work of Rudolf Steiner has deeply affected me. For two decades I had to live my life in absence of his work, to have experiences, breakthroughs, falls and revelations, by my own, through different modalities and teachings. On Spring Equinox of 2022 I was gifted to be in the great Pyramid of Giza all by myself (for more see Hearticle 'Codes of the Stars' of me being there with my sister), which opened the gates to be reading and absorbing the unsurpassed teachings of Rudolf Steiner. It is also the first time in my life that I appreciate being fluent in the german language, as I am able to read his work in the original language written.


This study group is for those who are sincerely interested to learn more about themselves by the vast wisdom and teachings of Rudolf Steiner, and the path of Initiation he offers.

Through reading, studying, explaining, conversations, hands on drawings (sketch book by you), meditation exercises given by Rudolf Steiner, asking questions and mostly coming together as Humans, we will deepen more and more of this spiritual science, as he calls it.


Some of the topics we will explore:

*Understanding us more, in our Human evolution.

*Spiritual Hierarchies, from Angels to Seraphims and the Spirits of Darkness. 

*The seven major cultural Epoches, after the great flood to the end of how we know our times. Their meaning and significance. Where are we  now? 

*Going beyond Lemuria and Atlantis. What was before Lemuria? 

*What was earth before she was earth? The 7 incarnation of earth, her stages and meanings. 

*Mystery of Golgatha, the Christ consciousness.

*Understanding Karma

...and so much more!

The teachings will be chosen to reflect of what the group leans towards.

DATES:  Sunday 10. November 2024  & Sunday 15. December 2024

TIME: 10am PTD California, 1pm EDT, 7pm CEST Switzerland

WHERE: Zoom, this is a live only class. No recording.

Contribution: sliding scale $75 to $100 or more, you choose. 

Register, Pay &  more information, email Odile click here

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Private Sessions


Yes! I am officially holding Intuitive Clairvoyant Sessions again, for guidance, support, clarity, transformation, healing  and expansion of your current awareness. Sharing tools and ideas how to navigate your situations and challenges, and how to work in the fields of energy for aligning with your purpose. To attain balance, peace and inner happiness. To book click here.


Heilsamer Kreis


Gemeinsam schaffen wir einen bewussten, liebevollen und sicheren Behälter um Kraft, Mut und Freunde zu schöpfen, für Innere Klarheit, Heilung und das gebären von Neuem. Für mehr Information und Details schreibe an

In Person, 15min von Bern, auf Mundart.

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