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‘Remembering the Codes and Wisdom we once held by

planting Sacred Seeds for the Future.'

OCTOBER 16~28 2023

with Odile Dell'Aquila

Join us for a magnificent experience to ancient Egypt.
with 2hours of private time in the great Pyramid, and the Sphinx for our group only!
$5250*per person includes everything
but your flight to Cairo.

*Based on double occupancy, private room +$1450

Dear Heart,  Beloved Emanating Starlight,

It is with so much joy and celebration that I am announcing this sacred journey. I can’t wait to be there with all of you who are receiving the message to join us on this extraordinary experience outside time and space.If you are reading these lines you know that Egypt is playing a big role in your ancient past, memories that are embedded in the depth of your soul. The profound experiences once lived are reverberating in your being and bringing forth forgotten wisdom and knowledge. 

We have since incarnated many times, we have learned new aspects of creation, by diving deeper into the sense of separation, in our materialistic world view at hand. We are being reborn with all these gifts learned over time, to once again remember the wisdom, codes and knowledge held in this land of the pharaohs.

The stones and vibrations of the temples will bring forth a new spin in our cells and atoms, to hold more light in our bodies. Stone hold memories. So do these giant beautiful ‘stones’ that build the temples and pyramids of Egypt.


They remember YOU. 


Time has come to remember them. 


They are patiently awaiting your return.

These Starlight Journeys are appointments we made a long time ago, outside of time and space. We are carrier of love, light and truth, bringing forth impulses, codes, alignments that are unique to each one of us. When we do so in resonance and harmony for the whole, magic occurs.

WE become an orchestra of Starbeings, playing our most inner Divine tones together, carrying a presence, strength and volume a single instrument can’t bring forth. Then we truly are instruments of Love.


We are going ‘back’ to remember all that we truly are, and to bring it into this lifetime.

We are going back, not to try to become what we once lived in ancient Egypt, we are going back so we can fully remember and bring this remembering forward into the fullness and newness we embody today.

We are gathering to bring forth the Sacred Seeds for our future.


Be prepared for big changes. Your life will never be the same after wards.

Much of our work may not be visible for the eye. It takes a very awakened soul, a big initiate to see how everything truly relates together, over so many incarnations, in the path we chose to walk. 


A big thank you to some special Starlights:

After our first amazing retreat in 2019 and my profound time alone with my little sister in the Great Pyramid last spring 2022  (you can read more about it here: I feel a much deepened sense, and matured knowing in my purpose to guide, lead and accompany those of you called to join us for this truly life changing experience.

I must say that this sacred pilgrimage would not have come to be, if it was not for the support, love and determination of an amazing core group of beautiful souls, that committed to this journey well before it was created. This Journey was created because of them.

Then after having to cancel 3 entire trips due to this wordy circumstances I honestly did not have much energy left to recreate yet another magical experience, that may or may not be lived.

This is truly what new earth is about, that we come together and show up in unprecedented ways.

We sold out on our the first trip. And we were selling out on the other ones that needed to be canceled. 

This tour is very likely to be fully booked, then one third if already full before even sharing it with you all.

Much is awaiting us.
The very unique constellation of us being together during this journey

will have ripple effect well beyond our personal lives.


               With ever so much love


I am deeply honored for your sincere interest to join this exquisite Starlight Journey to Ancient Egypt.
Know that this is not a vacation. Many may be attracted to be part of this particular sacred work. It is open to those who really align to what we do on every level.I will continue to use this same inner guidance that is helping to create such magnificent retreats, and ask guidance for each single participant if it is for the highest good of the group and each single one to be part of.

If you feel called to be part in this journey, please reach out to Odile click here to see if we are a fit for this multidimensional work ahead. Then it is by being together in very high resonance, mutual understanding, love and respect that we will glide effortlessly and safely as a group.
Important Note: this Retreat is for the advanced soul. Advanced meaning your soul has a deep resonance with what is being presented here. Your brain may not necessarily understand it, which is ok. It is an absolutely ZERO drugs and substances (includes marijuana) or any plant medicine, retreat no exception. This is for those who can be fully present, with self, staying in your magnificent Starlight within your own luminous, strength, clarity and power.

October 16~28 2023

We are staying in magnificent 5 star hotels, and 5 star Nile cruise. Allowing our bodies to be pampered and well rested while remembering our past in the land of the pharaohs.

Our group will be limited to 10 to 17 participants, depending how the energy is feeling, the Starlight Journey will be declared full at any time. Sign up early to reserve your spot and receive the early  bird discount. This trip did sell out last time!

(B for Breakfast, L for Lunch, D for Dinner)

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Day 1, Monday October 16. 2023:

We will start our sacred pilgrimage with a welcome circle and dinner together. You will be welcomed and escorted before customs at the airport, and brought to our hotel. Time to settle in. Option to arrive a day or more early. (Dinner included)

Overnight at Hyatt Cairo West Hotel: snack, D

October 17 - 20. 2023:  four days  of Pyramids, Pyramids, Pyramids…

Over the next 4 days we will visits 7 Pyramids, including our 2 hour private visit of the Great Pyramid of Giza, in the evening, and the private visit between the paws of the Sphinx.

This allows us to bring forth memories of the times we have walked in ancient Egypt by listening, feeling and being by the land.

Day 2, Tuesday October 17. 2023:

We are starting this journey, by spending the entire day on the Giza plateau. This is the beginning into a timeless experience that forever will change your life.
Stone hold memory. Being with stones, massive stones, in such numerous perfect alignment together, awakens within what You truly are. Temples are living beings and being with them transforms us. We will visit the Valley Temple (one of my very favorite), be in the portal between the paws of the Sphinx, wander on the hot sand around the pyramids to take in theirs views and presence. PRIVATE VISIT with the Sphinx. Egyptian lunch  at the new 9 Pyramids lounge restaurant feeling outside of time.

Overnight at Hyatt Cairo West Hotel: B,L,D

Day 3, Wednesday October 18. 2023:

We will visit Saqqara.The step Pyramid is one of the oldest pyramids. It is an ancient Temple of opening the portal to communication, growth and speaking one’s higher personal truths, aligned with the God Thoth the enlightened communication. We will visit Titis and Unas Pyramid, and see the Serapeum with the 100ton black sarcophagus. 

Overnight at Hyatt Cairo West Hotel: B,L,D

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Day 4, Thursday October 19. 2023:

Visiting the Egyptian Museum in the morning.In the evening we will have our 2hour Private visit in the great Pyramid's Kings chamber.

This is an unique  beyond powerful gift to be with our group alone in this initiation chamber of the great pyramid. It is beyond anything we could describe in words. It is part of our deep remembering and fully activating of our Starlight presence in physical bodies. The Great Pyramid connects to the One True Source and generates a sense of oneness with everything. 

We will bring all of this opening and transformation right into our sleep and dream time to be woven into all aspects of our self. Overnight at Hyatt Cairo West Hotel: B,L,D

Day 5, Thursday October 20. 2023:

We are starting our first long climb into pyramids: the Bend Pyramid of Dashure that holds the ratio of 5:6 which is the pentagon to the hexagon, a geometric ratio we see in the DNA and the 21’600 year period of the tilt of earth axis dividing by the processional cycle of 25’920 years (wobble at the pole.) And later that day the red pyramid, which we will find a completely different feel to our consciousness. The Bend Pyramid only opened in 2019 for the general public. Overnight Sonesta St. George Luxor: B,L,D

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Day 6, Saturday October 21. 2023:

Today we immerse ourself in the large temple of Karnak, home to goddess Sekmeth and finish the day by visiting the regal Luxor temple. Overnight at the Sonesta St. George with views onto the nile river.  B,L,D

Day 7, Sunday October 22. 2023:

Today we are taking a scenic drive through the country side to visit Abydos, with it's many temple rooms, we will have the option to each pay extra and have a PRIVATE visit in the very old Temple OSIRION which holds some of the large monolithic blocks. In the afternoon we will experience the magic of Dendara Temple home to the Hathors. They assist with the planetary ascension through love, sound and compassion.

Overnight at the Sonesta St. George. B,L,D

Day 8, Monday October 23. 2023:

In the morning we will check out of the hotel, cross the Nile in a Feluca to visit the Valley of Kings. Then we will go to one of my very favorite temples, more details on that onewhen you sign up. We will have lunch in our wonderful Nile cruise, settle in and enjoy a much deserved free evening, for resting, reflecting on our many visits and soaking in the energies of this Nile river. Overnight on Nile cruise. B,L,D

Day 9, Tuesday October 24. 2023:

You can choose a slow morning for integration or get up at 4am for an unforgettable optional

(extra cost) sunrise hot air ballon ride over Luxor, the Nile river and even the Valley of Kings, before breakfast. At noon we will start sailing on the Nile towards Edfu. You have time to enjoy the view, relax, journal and be with all the impressions of our pilgrimage so far. 

We will have a Starlight Circle for a deepening connection with the spirit of the Nile River. Overnight on Nile cruise. B,L,D

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Day 10, Wednesday October 25. 2023:

Our boat will stop in Edfu to visit the  Edfu Temple the home of Horus by horse carriage in the morning and the “duality”temple at Kom Ombo in the late afternoon just before sunset. Then we continue sailing to Aswan. Overnight on Nile Cruise B,L,D

Day 11, Thursday October 26. 2023:

We will have arrived in Aswan during the nighttime.In the morning we will visit Philae Temple by boat and hopefully the tiny island where the original Philae Temple once stood. If time allows we will see the unfinished obelisk, take a felucca ride on Nile to Elephantine Island, have lunch on our Nile Boat and visit the beautiful Aswan market.

Overnight on our Nile Cruise. B, L, D

Day 12, Friday October 27. 2023:
Today we are checking out of our Nile Cruise and taking an early flight back Cairo, where we will stay at the Le Meridian Hotel by the airport. We will have a day to integrate the fullness we experience. It will take weeks and months for it all the really settle. We will be having our farewell dinner together. Le Meridian airport Hotel. B,L,D


Day 13, Saturday October 28. 2023:
By now our cells are filled with many imprints, holographic activations, memories and so much more. It will take weeks and months to digest and integrate these treasures. This is our last day together that we will spend traveling and  flying back to Cairo, relaxing at the Le Meridian Hotel, before having our farewell dinner to exchange big hugs and getting ready to venture back of what we have been calling home so far. Bringing the seeds of the gifts received and given out to the world. B

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Price Egypt

Space IS limited to 10-17 people.

A non refundable  deposit $1000 will reserve your spot.


Register by August 31st 2023: $5250* per person

Late Joiners Price: September 1st 2023 until departure: $5500*

*Prices based on double occupancy,Private Room add $1450.00


All lodging in 5 Star Hotels

5 Star Nile Cruise Mayfair or Mayflower

Price is for double occupancy, and a group of 10people or more

Flight between Cairo/Luxor and Aswan/Cairo
Sightseeing tours as described in itinerary

Tours in English-language by professional Egyptologist tour guide

All site entrance fees besides the private optional Osirion visit.

2 hour private time in the Kings Chamber for our group only

1 hour private time between the paws of the Sphinx

Includes all meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner

Ceremonies and spiritual guidance.

Hyatt Cairo West Hotel, 4 Nights October 16-19.2023
Sonesta St. George Hotel, in Luxor, 3Nights  October 20-22. 2023

 Nile Cruise Mayfair or Mayflower, 4 Nights  October 23-26 2023

Le Meridien Hotel, 1 Night October 27. 2023


Airfare to Egypt.
Entry visa to Egypt, which will cost approximately $25 USD per person (this may change)
Passport fees or charges (if any).

Entry to Osirion and hotairballon ride.
Cancel for any reasonTravel Insurance. Health Insurance.
Personal expenses, such as laundry service, water, drinks with meals or in rooms, telephone calls, and health club fees, etc.
Additional requests from you that are not included in the itinerary.
Gratuities: Tipping (tour guide, our drivers, and all housekeeping, act.)
NOTE: Beverages with meals are NOT  included. (Included only for breakfast)
Emergency evacuation.


Are you interested to join us for this once in a lifetime epic journey beyond time?

Please contact Odile so that we can have a chat and see that in the midst of all these worldly changes we are a fit to travel together. there is a $1000 non refundable deposit to register, safe your space and sign up. The rest of the payment is due on June 1st and July 31st 2023.

Please contact Odile here. You WILL hear back from me within 24hours, unless I have not receive your email, then please try again.I am looking forward to be hearing from you.


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"There is so much to explore on this beautiful planet! Let me inspire you to join us for this amazing upcoming Egypt Starlight Journey, and to bring forth your intuitive, clairvoyant and unique Starlight gifts and treasures ~ so to enrich the experience of all. We are multidimensional beings, reawakening to the greatness of the Starlight origin that we are." Odile

Odile has intensely traveled the world from a very young age. She was drawn, first unaware of power places and their portals, to many ancient sites and nature vortexes, all the way from the swiss alps,

Ayers Rock Australia, to Patagonia, Atacama desert,

Peru,the Hawaiian island and many sacred site within the Untied States, to name a few.
In her late teens she was in the golden triangle of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar and was invited by the native Karen people for her ‘first ceremony’ which ended changing her life. In her early twenties she  received ‘energetic downloads’ by visiting her first pyramids (this lifetime) in Tikal Guatemala (1998). 
She continued to receive more energetic activation at the Mexican pyramids in Chichen Itza, Tulum, Belem(2006) as well as in Peru from Machu Pichu, to Chavin de Huantar and the sacred mountains of the Andes in 2002 and 2008. She brought a group of amazing Starlights to ancient Egypt in 2019 and 2023.

 In 2022 she was offered the great pyramid of Giza all to herself for the evening of Spring Equinox. 
She is living in Switzerland. Weaving together all these extremely important places in a rich, creative multidimensional aspect.
She loves holding sacred space and ceremony in Starlight retreats for remembering more of who we are, by using her intuitive clairvoyant gifts, her many languages ( five) and her worldwide traveling and visiting sacred sites experiences.


Odile assists on multidimensional levels in the awakening of consciousness and in service for the occurring shift. She offers intuitive and clairvoyant guidance, healing, clarity and support in a very loving and compassionate way, facilitating empowerment and embodiment of your highest potential and mastery of self, harmonizing divine alignment with source energy and your Essence purpose.
Being in her presence enhances, opens and frees up your life-stream.


“I had an amazing experience unlike anything before. I think I can say it was life changing. I enjoyed every part of it especially meeting you and the others.I have noticed a change in myself and also a change in how others interact with me. It was Enlightening, Empowering, Encouraging, Reality Expanding, Third eye opening, Inclusive, Supportive and Loving.” M.O. Unites States

“I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you and how the retreat affected me. Each person was truly amazing and kind hearted. I was so close to having canceled the trip due to life things going on. Something deep inside pushed me to go and I am so grateful that I did, and did not allow all the ‘noise’ to take over. Since the retreat, I noticed things coming to me easier. Calmness has enveloped me.Odile you are truly an amazing human being and I feel very blessed to know you and to have been part of the retreat.”  J.W. Bay Area

“Odile’s Star~Light~Essence Retreat was captivating, personalized and souls nourishing. The meditations she offered feel truly like a wash in heavenly downpour. The accompanying beauty of Mount Shasta, added to the depth and the spirituality of the retreat with her. Odile accesses, sees and teaches from a very deep level of understanding and alchemy. I highly recommend her work and pure hearted acumen.” S.F. Los Angeles

"Odile is a Master of the Heart"

 D. B., Canada


For more information or questions click here or email you will get an answer within 48 hours. If you do not hear back from me contact me again as I may not have received it!

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