Starlight Journeys
Odile Dell'Aquila

A Message from Odile:
"It is with my deepest honor and love that I say thank you for all of you beautiful souls and friends that come into my life. You are truly amazing. My message is of love, to let come forth what truly IS and always will be. It is so simple, and yet can appear really confusing, scary, dark and lost at times. See what happens when you let yourself be you, being home in your heart and how everything falls into place.
No matter where you are at this specific moment in life and what you feel or think about yourself, I am so looking forward to meeting you and to being a catalyst to your ever-emerging greatness."
About Odile
Odile assists on multidimensional levels in the awakening of consciousness and in service for the evolution of humanity. She offers intuitive and clairvoyant guidance, healing, clarity and support in a very loving and compassionate way. Facilitating empowerment and embodiment of your highest potential and mastery of self, harmonizing divine alignment with source energy and your Essence purpose.
She has a deep love for life, adventures in the great outdoor, traveling to sacred sites, growing her own food to crystals, mountains and deep universal wisdom. You can experience her offerings and gifts through private sessions, Sacred Starlight Retreats, live online classes and Sacred Circles.
She also loves to create her very own 'Channeled Paintings' of which some are featured in the Oracle Deck 'Priestesses of a new Earth'.
Being in her presence enhances, opens and frees up your life-stream.
"My journey with Odile through sacred sites in majestic Shasta was one of the most profoundly transformative and joyful spiritual experiences of my life. I am forever changed in my view of what it means to live life in truth and harmony with nature, beauty, and wonders of the unseen world around us." Andi CA
"She masterfully leads you back into the light of your own heart,
and the truth and answers of your own being."
Over the past two decades, Odile has helped and assisted many people, animals and spaces. Born and raised in Switzerland with a background in Organic Chemistry she has transformed her own experiences into the 'Alchemy of Life'.
Her deeper search to find her way back, home into her own heart, has led her to travel the world intensely, to study and learn with native tribes and all sorts of healing modalities.
From Shamanism, different Energy Medicine, Matrix Energetics, Emotion Code, in depth Clairvoyant training to finally reach an ocean of her own truth which she genuinely shares with the world now.
She continues to be a humble student of life, and intensely studies the work of Rudolf Steiner, which had profoundly impacted her at a young age.
She has been drawn, first unaware of power places and their portals, to many ancient sites and vortexes. From the Swiss Alps, Uluru, to Patagonia, Atacama desert, Peru, Tikal, Mexico, the Hawaiian island, Mount Shasta and many sacred site within the Untied States, to name a few.
In her late teens she was in the golden triangle of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar and was invited by the native Karen people for her ‘first ceremony’.
1998 she received ‘energetic downloads’ by visiting her first pyramids (this lifetime) in Tikal Guatemala.
2006 She continued to receive more energetic activation at the Mexican pyramids in Chichen Itza, Tulum, and Belem. as well as in Peru 2002/2008 from Machu Pichu, to Chavin de Huantar, the jungle and the sacred mountains of the Andes.
Over the last decade she has held many empowering 'Celebrate your Starlight Retreats' in Mount Shasta California.
Since 2019 the absolute highlights in her life, is bringing groups for sacred Starlight Journeys Pilgrimages to Egypt.
She is living Switzerland. Weaving together all these extremely important places in a rich, creative multidimensional aspect.
She loves holding sacred space and ceremony in Starlight retreats for remembering more of who we are, by using her intuitive clairvoyant gifts, her many languages (five) and her worldwide traveling and visiting sacred sites experiences. She teaches clairvoyant courses, and energy classes online as well as in person.
"Working with Odile is one of the
greatest Gifts to my Life this Lifetime." K. Toronto, Canada
“Odile’s energy is the sweetest I have experienced. She brings about the purest essence so that you feel her guided meditations like the softest and safest cocoon around you, for all to grow and bloom.”Christine from Corsica